Archive for May, 2011
Bellows Assist A Wood Burning Fireplace
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Over the centuries, as metalurgy skills progressed, the heat of the forge was intensified by the use of bellows. Fire requires oxygen and air in order to burn. A Vintage Style Bellow is a perfect fireplace accessory for use today. The added air flow, directed at the kindling or burning coals, stokes the flame for a hotter and quicker burn. Bellows come in a variety of styles, materials, and finishes. There are models suitable for any decor. These provide a great decor accent, and make a functional tool for any wood burning fireplace.
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Alphabet Cabinet Knobs Add A Personal Touch
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Todays cabinet hardware provides a wide array of choices. Over the centuries, man has made his mark on tools, art, creations, dwellings, and any number of other items and projects. From ancient cave dwellings to modern office spaces, man has used monograms as a form of expression. Alphabet monogrammed cabinet hardware provides an excellent medium for creative expression. Antique Brass and Pewter are popular finish choices.